Grinding like noise inside my hen


8 Years
Mar 1, 2011
Please help if you can!

I have a 10 month old buff orpington who started favoring her right leg yesterday. She would limp some, or fall down when trying to run. This did not effect her eating and drinking and foraging in the yard with the others... today she is still alert, can stand on both legs, but has difficulty walking. I thought she may be egg-bound but can't seem to feel an egg from the outside. I am new to chickens and am trying all I can to figure her out. I gave her a warm bath that she did not relax in - instead she chose to stand rather than soak and relax unless I put my hand on her back to get her to lay down. I then exchanged the warm water for warm towels and let her sit on those for a bit. Still nothing... she hasn't used the bathroom either in the last several hours. I've fed her and she drinks only a little bit. I have checked for any sort of swelling, sores, and mites but can't find anything. I did notice this strange grinding sound though coming from her abdomen. Is it possible it's broken egg shells?
It's very strange. She doesn't seem to be in pain, just a bit more tired than usual. I'm concerned about the sound. There are no poultry vets around here and I'm not sure a regular vet would be of much help.

Any advice is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

She did just poop and all seemed normal. I let her outside with the others for a bit and she can walk, just picks up her right foot every now and then to tuck under her. She can't really squat without falling forward and at times her tail is droopy. I'll continue to keep a close watch on her. Maybe whatever it is will heal on its own? Or maybe the weird noise inside her abdomen is normal? I don't know the last time she laid an egg because it's been cold and they're all slowing down in general. I got 3 eggs from my 5 hens two days ago, but not sure who laid what.

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