grit and oyster shell - is it the same thing?


6 Years
May 21, 2013
another newbie question - we have been giving our new chickens oyster shell, is this the same as / a subsitute for grit, or should we be giving them grit as well?

everything i've googled has been unclear on this so i appreciate someone putting me straight, thanks!
I was told that the oyster shell was enough. So I stopped giving them both. So far all is ok. So not much help I guess.
I think the term grit can be used for ground up oyster shell or ground granite. It really depends on who you are talking to, although I believe that rocks is what most people would understand it as. I offer both to my chickens. Grit is super cheap, and one bag is lasting me forever. If the chickens don't want it, I'm not really out anything.
Grit and oyster shell are not the same. Grit is hard and undigestable. It helps the chickens grind up their food in the croup so that they can digest it. Oyster shell can be broken down in the chickens digestive system. It is used as a calcium suplement for laying hens. You didn't say how old the chickens are who you are feeding the oyster shell. Non-laying chickens, due to age or breed (layer vs meat) do not need extra calcium, in fact too much calcium can be bad for their developing bones. However, they do need grit. Laying hens need both. If they free range, they can probably pick the grit they need from the surrounding dirt but if not, a little dish of grit will be necessary.

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