Grit confusion and bald spots


6 Years
Mar 26, 2013
I have nine chicks 4 GLW,2Amarcauna,2Brahmas,and 1 rir.
They are about 2 months old. I noticed 1 GL has feathers missing on her head . I thought that it might be just because she is loosing down but her skin feels rough. Now i have also notice the RIR Has a bald sopt as well.i wonder if they are being plucked? However, i have never seen it happen. So i made the cabbage pinata cause maybe they are bored? So no that they are getting more than crumble i put a plate of maybe 3tbsp of grit out. Is it normal for them to eat it all rite away? And if so should i put out more so they all get some?
I need help it hard being a new chicken mommy. I just want them to be happy and healthy.
Any advice would be appreciated. TY
I would leave a dish of grit in with them and trust that they will take what they need since you are giving them food that they need "teeth" for.

Chicks can look a little rough as they get their feathers in. Are the bald spots totally bald? Or are the beginnings of feathers coming in? They can look a little pin-cushiony in spots.
The GL has a pertty big spot,the RIR i just noticed today. Is there a way i can post pics to show

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