Grit question


9 Years
Feb 21, 2010
Duvall, WA
When I bought my feed I asked the girl at the feed store about grit and she told me I should give them cracked corn instead until they're bigger. I've read some things on this forum that made me think they should be getting actual grit if I'm going to feed them anything but the starter feed so I've been hesitant to start introducing them to treats.

So I guess I'd like to know once and for all, will cracked corn work in a way similar to grit or do I need to go get a bag of grit before they start getting treats?

You should give them grit before giving them treats. You can get a box of parakeet grit at the grocery store until they are older. Mine LOVE treats!! Grit helps them digest.
Ugh!!! Don't ask her any more chicken questions!!
Like the others said, get them grit--either the parakeet grit or chick grit from the feed store. Cracked corn is like chicken candy, fine in small amounts and great for making friends, but not a primary feed. Have fun with your little ones.
Thanks for the advice you guys... I bought their food before I had done a lot of research and as soon as I started reading I suspected she had given me some bad advice. I'm glad to have that confirmed before I started giving them treats! I'm gonna head to the pet store this afternoon and grab them some 'keet grit!

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