

In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 15, 2010
Hi, I have my four-week olds out in their new outdoor brooder (located inside the coop). Should I start giving them commercial grit? I have only been feeding them starter crumbles, and my sense is when I send them out to play out in the garden, they probably get grit naturally...but let me know if I should start feeding it to them (because I'd like to start introducing them to chopped veggie leftovers, like celery tops and carrot peels).
Let me know what you think re the timing on this---
And thank you
Anne Marie.
Once my chicks are outside, scratching around, I stop offering grit.
ETA: I didn't really answer your question well. If they don't access to the outdoors on a regular basis and you are feeding them things other than their chick starter, they should be offered grit.
I start with the really simple foods - chopped hard boiled egg and plain yogurt, adding one new food every couple days. Always just an occasional thing and always in small amounts. They need the complete nutrtition of their chick starter more than anything else. Having said that, I have some two week old naked necks that will hurt you for a grasshopper.
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Thank you (again) gritsar. You are always so helpful.
They do go out every day, so I'm pretty sure they're getting grit naturally. They go outside for several hours (2 or 3 hours, maybe) a day. But, I don't know 100% for sure how much grit they're getting.
Should I try offering them small amounts of simple food, like you suggest?
To be on the safe side, should i buy some chick grit?
Sorry to sound like such a Nervous Nelly
Don't bother buying actual grit for them. Go to your local Lowe's or Home Depot and buy a 50# bag o' construction (all purpose) sand. Not playground sand - it's too fine. Give them a small bowl of this construction sand - it will have sand, small bits of granite, some pebbles, and that will be super for them. It's cheap, you can use the rest of the bag in the run somewhere as a place for the chickens to sun bathe and scratch and even "dust bathe" in it.

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