Growing fodder for chickens

I personally would not use it. The color has rinsed off, but if it was chemically treated (Highly likely), it is not really food grade for direct feeding. If I wouldn't eat it myself (chemical-wise, not ick-factor), I won't feed it to my chickens.
I have no idea what kind. My dh picked it up 2 springs ago and we don't remember. It all rinsed off.
thanks for the CCP link.

I will contact them to see if they will sell me some seed.

I would probably have to grow it in trays like you are doing it and that might be too much for as many chickens as I have but maybe i can start it in trays then transplant it to dirt.
I sent an email to the ccp guys and am now waiting for a reply.

I have been reading more of this thread though and see the temps above 70 degrees are not ideal for growing fodder. At this time the highs are around 100 degrees and the lows are around 75 degrees so i guess this would be a winter project for thailand.
I have been working hard to resolve the mold issues on my trays.  So far, so good this week!  I spray all of my trays with an oxine solution to disinfect them.  I also put oxine in my 12 hour soak to make sure any mold spores are killed.  I would rather use Oxine than bleach.  It can be used as a mouth wash, put in your bird's water, etc. and breaks down into a salt.  I know that we have chlorine in our public drinking water but I don't think that it is good for us.  Oxine is also supposed to be more powerful than bleach.   I have a spray bottle with my oxine solution that I spray any iffy spots as soon as I see them.  What I do think has made the biggest difference for me in preventing mold is that I'm not putting as thick of a layer of seeds in the tray and I'm using a cold water spray to wash them 3 times a day for at least 1 min each time.  I also drilled larger drainage holes so the seeds aren't sitting as long in the water.  

Thank you, CrosStitching, for posting the link to the sproutpeople.  It was very interesting to see how they grow wheat grass, etc.  My trays are clear containers from the 99 cent store but yesterday, I ordered some black trays with and without holes to try growing fodder the way that they recommend.  I will report back after they get here and I try it.
Where did you order your trays from and have they worked? I'm getting frustrated with the mold :(
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Okay, this may be an old old question but I can't find the answer. I remember a discussion about not using milo as fodder for the birds because of HCN formation after sprouting. However, I've been using a plot spike for my fodder that has milo in it with no problems with my birds. I also read a paper on it that the toxin peaks at 48 hours of sprouting and then sharply decreases ... so if I'm growing for 6/7 days, does that mean the toxin level decreases too? Does anyone else use milo in their mixes? I can get 60# for $6 but it's not worth the savings if I'm going to kill my birds with it.
Okay, this may be an old old question but I can't find the answer. I remember a discussion about not using milo as fodder for the birds because of HCN formation after sprouting. However, I've been using a plot spike for my fodder that has milo in it with no problems with my birds. I also read a paper on it that the toxin peaks at 48 hours of sprouting and then sharply decreases ... so if I'm growing for 6/7 days, does that mean the toxin level decreases too? Does anyone else use milo in their mixes? I can get 60# for $6 but it's not worth the savings if I'm going to kill my birds with it.

I sprout milo on a fairly regular basis. I can hardly get anything to grow out well to fodder stage without mold issues so sprouts is mostly what I'll be going with, at least until I can move the whole process outside. My milo sprouts are well beyond 48 hours and I haven't seen any issues from it. My birds love all the sprouts I give them... except for a few super picky individuals
Does it matter what kind of water you use. We have city water, so has chlorine and fluoride in it. We have a RO water filter for drinking. Should I use filtered water or just plain tap water for the fodder? I may have to do a test and see if there is any difference between the two. We just got our barley and have our first batch soaking! I really hope this helps cut down our feed bill. Does anyone add a mineral supplement to theirs ? We have Redmonds conditioner that I plan of trying to add some.
Quote: THis is a tough subject, worth a good discussion.

In Boston, Walmart is being kept out. PRimarily because the rate of pay to the employsees is far lower than the current average. THe intent is to keep current businesses that pay their employees a far better wage.

In another town, Walmart replaced a little discout store. ANd when it realized it had a following, bought a peice of land at the other end of town, and right next to a highway ( truck access) and built a superstore. The parking lot is always packed.

At some point we cannot reduce prices any further. I personally want to see all our jobs reinstated here in this country; we have lost a tremendous number of industrial jobs to China, Tiwan, Japan, Mexico, and many more countries where the standard of living is MUCH lower and therefore the labor costs are also significantly lower.

I want to see our people get back to work, even if it is a production type of job. IT is honest work and puts food on the table. I'm frustrated with the number of people who barely have high school educations and cannot find work. HEck, how many with skills cannot find jobs. ANd to really get me going, how many jobs are left unfilled because the current education system does not produce the skilled workders to fill those jobs. Yes, there are 100,000 plus openings because of lack of skills. I know one employer that only hires non- AMericans because they do hae the skill sets he needs and will help them get work visas.

I would rather pay twice as much for a TV and have it last 25 years. My old black and white lasted 30 + years; the 2 newest models from BJ's lasted less than 5. Total waste of money. FUrable goods need to be durable again. ANd worth the cost of labor to make them so.

We have lost most of the little businesses in the town with the super Walmart; long time reputable businesses cannot compete with Walmart. Sad but true.

On a good note-- Sears has moved into the outside Mall. ANd the pet supply next door is worth patronizing. I don't mind spending the extra money because driving to a larger pet supply store costs gas money.

CHeaper is NOT always better. But since I can't even get a job at Walmart, I am planting a garden, and putting my chickens in the oven.

Let's keep the discussion going. We have lots of intelligent people here. THis is not a simple problme, and no simple answer.

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