Growing fodder for chickens

Hey everyone, I have been reading up on growing fodder. I usually have around 75-100 RSL Hens Free Ranging and about 25 Chickens that I have in separated breeding pens plus chickens in the growing pens. From what I have read Whole Wheat is the best way to go as far a seed to grow with and through a little BOSS in each tray. I can have this in my office inside about 65-70 degrees. What all do I need to get started? I can get Wheat for a good price and I just need something to grow it in. I would like to be able to feed 1-2 trays per day and see how that goes for cutting the feed costs down. I also have a few Pygmy goats I might feed them some as well. I look forward to hear ya'lls opinion.


Just figured out how to do the quote thing. My latest response was for OkChickens.


Dropped some barley in the sink and it started growing hah. I tried to pull it out but was only able to pull off the tops. Kind of a cool experiment to see how long they can grow.
HAHAHAHA I was trying to figure out what kind of container that was--it's a drain! Kinda pretty...
My Fodder is also fermented feed, I've noticed. When I feed it, the grains that never sprouted must be fermenting because it smells a bit yeasty. Glad that's good for them, too. Yesterday I bought a 50# bag of wheat for growing. Now I have rye and wheat. Variety is the spice of life! The first tray of wheat should be ready to feed them Wednesday (day after Christmas). I hope they like it as much as they like the rye. And I hope it grows better (thicker). I soak for 1 day, then grow out for six days. It doesn't look like some of your pics. I'll have to show you when I can get a pic. They love it anyway, though. And I'm getting eggs every day!
I wanted to try this and have been calling around and a local store and they said they have "recleaned wheat" for $17/50 lb bag. Will that work? Anyone in San Diego (north county) know where I could get what i am looking for? thanks
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I'm excited to try this, although I guess I should probably have the chickens first.

I used to sprout for my psittacines, and I'd never seen such eager eaters and healthy feathers.

For reference only, here's the site I used to get my sprouting mix from:

I haven't had a chance yet to read through every post on this thread, but am working on it. I'm specifically looking for what other seeds/grains are okay to use. Here are the lists for the sprout mixes, any of these "ingredients" okay for poultry?


Looking into this partly out of curiosity, and partly out of want to give the birds as much variety as possible within reason.
Do not under any circumstances ever consume or have your animals consume "seed wheat!" Feed wheat is untreated seed. Seed wheat may have been treated with poisons to prevent rotting when planting. If they pull those plants out of the trays and consume the dirt/root I'd be concerned about it. Recleaned wheat from my purchases has been feed wheat, but it says so on the bag. My chickens have eaten squares of sod that I dug up for them and they picked it apart and ate the roots, some of the dirt, etc. My DH has a member of the family that accidently bought some treated grain and ate it - got poisoned from it. Just my opinion.
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