Growing fodder for chickens

Anybody else grow fodder for their birds?

Yes, because it's about the only way I can think of to get the hens some fresh greens in the dead of winter when snow is covering all the grass. It's almost always wheat grass that I grow. Once I found out the benefits of wheat grass, I started trimming a little off some for me each day. It's great in a green drink.

However, I do it the old-timey, rednecky, low-techy way by just stacking three Costco spinach containers on the kitchen table next to the window.
The fodder doesn't need a grow light unless your trays are in a dark shed or something. Regular ambient light is just fine in my experience.
Subscribing to this thread! I want to try this too! I've not had time to read through all the posts as of yet. Are you or will you be using a grow light during winter?
We will probably use different kinds of light and change with the seasons. The colder it gets the hotter burning lights we will use.
Reading all your posts with interest, am soaking barley seeds now, will stumble through it with the help of this forum.
Here's a link to an outdoor set-up for sprouting created by a forum member. There are three entries related to development of the trays, watering, heat, etc. using flexible rope lighting for the heat and light source.
Chickens & Gardens

I liked the idea of the feeder, pretty tricky!!
I have been Fermenting feed for my birds but not tried sprouting any. Can I use reclaimed oats? I get them at the feed store for $12 for a 50# bag. It is what I have been fermenting. If not what kind of grains specifically do I ask for. My feed store already thinks I am a crazy chicken lady so I have to know exactly what I need or I will get that look as if I have 3 heads. LOL
I tried oats in my Fodder system and had a HORRIBLE experience. Poor sprouting, dirty water, and lots of slime. Funny, because it sprouted right up when I threw it in the worm bin..... I found feed wheat and it's been a dream. I have mine all automated with recycled water (I'm a lazy homesteader). I started my fodder system to feed the critters I want to have on my urban homestead (some rabbits, a few chickens, and a couple of mini goats). It's turned into sort of a little business since a lot of my friends wanted one..

Here's the finished Fodder (6 days):

I'd LOVE to have more details on this! I have just cleared out a storage room in my house and it is the perfect spot to house a system like this ... chicken fodder and salad greens. Do you think it could be done like "Aquaponics" with fish in the storage tank, or are we trying to stay away from fish poo for this stuff?

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