Growing fodder for chickens

I don't know. It's a lot of starch. I think that a base of wheat or barley with the addition of other seeds could end up being better in the long run. I just haven't found the formula that would allow a fodder only poultry diet. For now, I'm using a combination of fodder, bird bread, vitamin/mineral mix, and some store pellets.
Hello Pawtraitart, thank you for the excellent thread, lots of workable info. By the way, what breed of chicken are those that give such beautiful brown brown eggs?
With the snow falling outside, I was wishing I had my fodder going, but I haven't buttoned up the other fall stuff, yet, so they're still eating some of the garden left-overs.... BUT, I did get some meal-worm starter today for my own meal-worm farm, so that should be helpful, also...
With the snow falling outside, I was wishing I had my fodder going, but I haven't buttoned up the other fall stuff, yet, so they're still eating some of the garden left-overs.... BUT, I did get some meal-worm starter today for my own meal-worm farm, so that should be helpful, also...
You have snow? No snow here, yet. I was processing freezer boys today out in the sunshine.
Oh sheesh I wish I was where you last two are! It is 28 on my porch thermometer!! BRRR! It was a real wakeup-on-the-wrong-side-of-bed scenario when I went out to get eggs this morning and de ice the water bowl. Someone said it was 18 last night! Ergh! Warming up the next few days thank goodness, I am not ready for this just yet.

I started soaking my wheat seeds this morning :)
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Oh sheesh I wish I was where you last two are! It is 28 on my porch thermometer!! BRRR! It was a real wakeup-on-the-wrong-side-of-bed scenario when I went out to get eggs this morning and de ice the water bowl. Someone said it was 18 last night! Ergh! Warming up the next few days thank goodness, I am not ready for this just yet.

I started soaking my wheat seeds this morning
I could NOT do that. It is way too early for those temps. Sept October we can start to wear sweaters. Nov and Dec, more often.... Jan Feb... maybe a good heavy coat some days. Cold snaps don't last long here. I like my seasons, I just don't like them to last TOO long....

I am reading all about this. Every night I learn something. Hubby will NOT let me even think about starting a new project till we get done remodeling and moved.
SO that will not be till after the first of the year
He said I have to start small WHAT???? I have 300 chickens.....
He want to see how much time it really takes.

I have some questions, I saw about soaking the seeds in bleach or something for a little while to kill most of the mold, do any of you do that? What about peroxide?

I also saw were someone soaked their seeds for 3 days and had a better growth rate.... Opinions????

I am thinking the 3 day soaking thing would be easy. Then turn them out on trays for 3-5 days more. I have some ideas running in my head and my do some really small testing to see how it works. Just to play and get things organized.

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