Growing fodder/sprouts

How big a flock? How much volume of sprouts would you grow in a week? For your flock and YOUR use, or simply for the flock's use?

cheapest: whole grain from the feed store. Be sure it's not heat treated (if you buy feed grain) and be sure it's not meant for planting b/c that's often treated with fungicide and possibly pesticide. I've seen a 50# bag priced any where from $26 to $13. My favorites are barley and wheat. You can always use what you don't sprout for scratch, or plant it to give the flock more fresh greens in the summer.

Other options: whole oats, lentils (you can even sprout the ones you buy at the grocery store. I love to use lentil sprouts in my stir fries or soups.) Warning: pearl barley WILL NOT SPROUT!!!

Deer fodder: Look for a product similar to this: Be very sure that it has not been treated with any fungicide before buying it to sprout. It is pricey, but the bags with a nice mix of grains and brassicas are a great choice. I will not buy it unless I find it drastically marked down at end of the season.

BOSS, other bird seeds. If you buy a mix, be sure it is made up completely of WHOLE seeds. No sunflower chips or cracked corn.
Thank you for the info. My flock is small...only 8. I had chickens years ago but just getting back into it for my daughter's 4h project (she fell in love).

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