Growing Salsify

Thanks everybody! Yes, Lazy, I have been told they have an "oyster-like" flavor, and it is actually commonly referred to as "oyster plant" not to be confused with another type of plant that is actually a ground cover.
I have not grown it yet, but it is on my list of 2019 experimentation crops. Will Bonsall (growing in Zone 4B) has written about it extensively in his Essential Guide to Radical, Self-Reliant Gardening.

He says two species are referred to as "salsify": the "true" one Tragopogon porrifolius, and the false/black one Scorzonera hispanica. Both are slow-growing, cold-hardy biennials grown mostly for the roots, though the flower buds (second year) are edible, too. He recommends as early a planting as possible as they do not grow quickly. Additionally he says (especially of the false/black type) can actually grow their root when left to overwinter in the ground) making a better harvest the following spring, than if harvested in the fall.

I've got too many experiments this year to let me get to salsify, but I'm looking forward to trials in the future. Good luck!

P.S. He says that in his opinion it doesn't really taste like oysters :) Who knows!

Thankyou for all of that great information! I actually did also see that you can let them over winter for a harvest in early april of the following season! So, I think I ill find a sunny and undisturbed place to let some of them overwinter and test out such a theory. As it seems that there is not much info or experience of salsify yet on BYC, I will be sure to keep you all updated!

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