Growth in Hen's Mouth! HELP!


6 Years
Apr 17, 2013
Kingsley, MI
Hi all,

I don't know what to do. My hen has a growth or infection growing in the corner of her beak, making it hard to close her mouth. I smelled her head and it's gross. I can't tell if it's her breath or just the wound itself. I can see hard yellow stuff (puss). It's also swelling around her eye and she now has some bubbles. She now can't fully close her beak.

I don't have any pictures right now. I can try to get some tomorrow now that I just made more space on my iPhone.

I'm wondering what I can do to help her?

Also, I'm sure I have to scrape the gunk out, but is there anything I can give her that will calm her down a bit (kind of like giving patients alcohol back in the day)? She has never been handled very much and I'm scared of her flailing while I'm working on/in her head.

I have short acting penicillin and I think I still have some of the water soluble antibiotics that start with an "o." (Sorry, I'm exhausted). I also have all sorts of first aid stuff and I think I still have a scalpel.


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