growth on chicken


5 Years
Jun 5, 2014
Dawsonville, Georgia
Notice this on my thunder chicken today. She's as happy as she can be

Growth that is white under ear

Could be a ingrown feather, or a very strange case of ear-mites. We had mites in their ears and bumps that kind of looked like it grew, but i doubt it is..
I hope it's nothing bad
don't think it's normal with only one on one side
Could be a ingrown feather, or a very strange case of ear-mites. We had mites in their ears and bumps that kind of looked like it grew, but i doubt it is..
I hope it's nothing bad :fl  don't think it's normal with only one on one side
This thread is a couple of years old.
I know, i m just posting because people revisit these if they have the same thing, more posts would probably give more information.
but, we never got what happened to the hen?

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