Grrrr, no eggs as of yet, my hens are 19 weeks old...


In the Brooder
10 Years
Dec 17, 2009
Orange, CA
Hi everyone, I just wanted to vent... I have two EEs, two Barred Rocks, and a Buff Orpington who are all 19 weeks old. WHEN WILL THEY START LAYING!! arrrgggg... just wondering if anyone has a similar problem or has any advice for me. I give them lots of treats (table scraps), lay mash mixed with scratch available all the time, fresh water, an awesome coop, and they get to run around wherever they want in the backyard all day (no hidden eggs, both my fiance and I look on a daily basis)... these are very happy happy birds... should I keep them cooped to encourage them to lay? feed them something else? take a bigger dose of Daily Patience Pills
? I'm going to be so excited when I get the first egg!!! Hopefully it's soon!!! ARRRGGGGG!!
They may be getting TOO much scratch? Maybe you could use a bit more patience Generally the breeds you have are later maturing making the average start for a layer close to 6 months of age. Give them less scraps and scratch and just a little more time
Well, it is still early! Sorry!

Fewer table scraps and treats may help unless you limit the scraps to high-protein items like fish, etc. Protein is very helpful when moving toward those first eggs.

Also, a tell-tale sign someone is close is the drop-n-squat when you go to pet them. If they hit the deck, they're getting close!

EEs can be very late layers, and the others ought to be in the next month or so. I had a Polish wait until she was 10 months old- just this past New Year's Eve!

Patience is the way! Generally, I'll tell folks between 20-25 weeks.

Good luck!
too much scratch can make them fat and you should only give it to them on cold days since it helps them to warm up. you don't want too much fat on your chickens or they can stop laying or slow down.

eta: my chickens started laying around 6 month old. but i know that BR tend to be earlier and one of the earliest breeds to start laying.
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Oh really, too much scratch can delay laying? hmmmmm... and yeah I agree on the patience part
I just cant wait to have fresh eggs!!!!
They will lay right when you quit worrying about it. I'm serious!! I ran out daily to check only to get let down. As soon as I gave up hope, there it sat, the most perfect egg in the world.
I have a buff mutt bantam that matured early among the eggs hatched last August. She laid her first egg at 19 weeks. My BA started laying at 20 weeks. One of my two EEs laid her first greenish egg at 27 weeks. The other hasn't until now. So I guess it varies even with the same breed. Just be patient it will come.
I am not sure about the BR or BO but I know my EE began laying around the 5 month mark. My RIRs began laying first but about a week later I was surprized by a green egg and then a couple of days later I got two green eggs, My flock turn 6 months old 02/24 and they have been laying for well over a month. I would give them scratch feed as a treat not mixed in with the other feed. I give my 9 chickens about a cup of scratch along with scraps from the kitchen.
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My girls were born in March,,,My Barred Rocks were my first to lay at 26 weeks old. My Ameraucana and EE were 39 and 40 weeks old when they laid their first eggs... You might have a long wait...BUT we are going Spring, so you might get them much earlier! Good luck...

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