Guarantee pullets????? *PIC heavy*


13 Years
Jan 19, 2010
Calvert County MD
I think the welsummer might be a roo due to the saddle feathers, the guy I bought them from said he ordered all hens and that I could exchange any roosters. also let me know if you think any others are roos.

How old are they? Right now they look like Pullets to me... Possible Roo on the Welly but right now depending on age looks like a pullet!
I think they are all pullets, if the wellie was a cockerel i think you would be able to tell. By this age, a cockerel would have different coloring. I'm no expert on Welsummers, but I've seen some when they were this age and you could easily tell the cockerels from the pullets.
though, they can be sneaky!

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