Guard dog for chickens

I would go with an LGD breed. I've seen Great Pyranees highly recommended, along with the Maremmas and Anatolian Shepherd.

Though if you do get an LGD breed, be careful to do your homework. Rescues are a wonderful place to start, but be sure to tell them what you need the dog for. Not all LGDs are good at guarding, or good with guarding particular things (like they will do great with goats but are not trustworthy with chickens).

If you go with a breeder, try to look for one that breeds specifically for guarding and has chickens.

My personal fav are the Anatolians. Not so much hair to deal with as a Great Pyr.
All 3 of my pound dogs were full grown when I got our chickens. I put the chickens in the coop-run for about 4 weeks so the dogs could get used to the flapping wings running around ect... Once I felt they had gotten used to the sounds and sights that would trigger their prey drive I took each dog one by one down to the run and brought them in with the chickens. I made the dog lay down on its side and I took the chickens and placed them on the dogs neck side and basically all over it. Take alot of time letting the chicken stand on the dogs neck while its laying down. After doing this with all 3 dogs I turned everyone out to freerange and the dogs have NEVER acted like they would harm the chickens. In 2 years I have not lost one and Annie really takes her job seriously. The chickens are out freeranging for early am till they put themselves to bed.
this is Annie. If the chickens are out she's with them


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