Guess The Breed!!! Dog Edition!!!!

aww I love neo mastiffs! My best friend is a golden retriever breeder. She breeds red field dogs not show.

One of her pups...

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aww I love neo mastiffs! My best friend is a golden retriever breeder. She breeds red field dogs not show.

One of her pups...

I wanna say Leonberger for the bottom but I'm not sure if it's the right coat for the breed.
Eww, me too. Have you ever smelled a Neo? Our ASD specialty was after a Neo specialty a few years ago. We started hanging out in the area of the building in anticipation, and we had to leave because it smelled like a locker room. There were only a dozen or so Neos stinking up a whole area. It was wretched.

That's my brother's favorite breed too!

Ummm............ me?

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