Guess The Breed!!! Dog Edition!!!!

My husky had great recall. We went walking all the time in the woods with her off-leash. Once I was riding my bike on the two track road through the woods and my dog was running with me. We went past a narrow field and there was a black bear standing in the field about 15 feet off the road. We were going pretty fast and the dog completely missed seeing the bear, so I rode on for about 1/2 mile before turning around. there was only one way back to the cabin, so I blasted past that field on the way back and never even slowed down till we were at the cabin. I'm sure that bear was just as stunned to see me as I was to see him, but man I was shaking when I got off that bike.

OMG that would be scary! Such bug powerful animals! I go jogging/Hiking with my dogs nearly every day, we don't have any big dangerous mammals in our parts... the biggest would be Dingoes but they are very shy....But I do have to watch out for deadly snakes, it's common to nearly tread on one.
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Guess the breed! Quite rare...

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