guess the chicks will have to like the rain


10 Years
May 6, 2009
whether they like it or not... It has rained here like every day for over a month. my poor chickies! they need to play outside! I guess they've gotten to the point where they are just accepting the rain and they don't care anymore LOL! no longer do they hide under the van the whole time or the porch... they just run around in it now.

I guess its one way to get them used to it! now if I could just get used to all of this rain!
mine run through puddles like an airplane about to take off, and then turn around when the get to the end, and go back through!

I hear ya! It's been raining for a week, but it is supposed to clear up tomorrow . . . for one day and then start raining again for another week. I sure wish I could send some of this rain down South to all of you that really need it!
you ,live where I live... you know what I'm talking about... except you could be in a diff part of Maine... its been raining in my part for pretty much over a month now with a very few sunny days in between its pathetic!!!

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