Guess the gender of the 3 wk old Araucanas/EE/Blue egg layers!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 7, 2012
Lees Summit, MO
Hi Everyone, this Friday 6/14 my 6 chicks will turn 3 weeks. The lady I got the eggs from said they're pure Araucanas and the eggs they hatched out of were all blue. I'm not really worried if they're Araucanas or EEs, etc...just more concerned with the blue egg color. But this way you have some info on the breed they're supposed to be. She did tell me there was a slight chance that they could be crossed with a Buff Brahma. She had the hens with an Araucanas Roo and a Buff Brahma Roo 10 days prior to my getting the eggs. She re-homed the Buff 10 days before I got the eggs. I saw the only Roo she had on the property...he was definitely not a Buff Brahma. the point. They're 3 weeks old tomorrow and I'm starting the guess the gender game. I'm hoping for at least one or maybe two hens. Here are the pics of the 6. I did notice some have noticeably 'greener' legs than the others.

Chick 1 (my daughter named this one Ketchup because its always getting sidetracked in the yard and tends to have to catch up with the others as they free range in the yard.)

Chick 2 - I think this might be a cross b/c its legs have some very slight feathering

Chick 3 (this is notably the prettiest and stays closest to mamma hen...I fear its a he.)

Chick 4

Chick 5

Chick 6

Let the games begin! (Hopefully I get 6 blue eggs before I hear any cock-a-doodle-do's!) I can wish!
Thanks for all the replies! I understand its really early and it's supposed to be harder to tell the gender in this breed. So I'm just looking for guesses. Does anyone know if the roo vs hen tell-tale signs are pretty accurate at an age prior to crowing or egg laying? (I'm in the suburbs and would prefer to rehome the Roos before they start trying to crow, but realize that might not be possible. I do have understanding neighbors though.) I will definitely repost pics in a few weeks!
I'll try to get more pics - side views. Just curious, since I'm still learning...what specifically do you see in #5 & 6 that make you think they're Roos? Is it the comb color, shape, size? (I ask because I haven't a clue!) Thanks!:)
You might be able to tell but I tell by their personality, I have 5 chickens that I think are hens but I am not sure:

this is one of them there are about 2-3 months old

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