Guess what i just gotšŸ¤­!!!!!



Chasing broodies
Premium Feather Member
Jan 12, 2023
Attica Greece
Sooooo after a LONG wait, I finally got three beautiful 3.5 month old silkie chicks! Two of them are partridge, and one I'm not sure, so any suggestions about that re very welcome! MASSIVE thank you to @MysteryChicken and @ikoCRO (Also honorable mentions to @JacinLarkwell @ChickenCanoe and @Amer ) thank you for helping me! Now, here are my two questions. I would like to know the sex of these three chicks, yes I know it's really hard to tell at this age, but if anyone has any ideas I would gladly appreciate it, if not, well, let's just say I'm used to waiting. Now my second question. We will be expecting a week where things are going to get pretty cold, dropping to 0CĀ° (around 32F I believe)ļæ¼ at night at its coldest day, and up to 4CĀ° (around 40F I believe) during the day. Will these 3.5 month olds be able to handle that kind of weather? The will have a sheltered area of course free from drafts, with bedding, but I still worry about them a lot. Anyways, here they areļæ¼ļæ¼ 20230202_172117.jpg


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Oh also I should say, they were sold to me as ~supposedly~ one rooster and two hens, but obviously the seller said there was a margin of error, and knowing how hard it is to sex these guys I'm guessing that margin is rather large

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