
The buff has a very red comb, waddles and is now red all around its eyes. While the other buff we have is very pale colored comb and smaller waddles.
I have some 7 weeks old Orpington chicks and the boys have huge combs and wattles already. It just means your redder girl is maturing faster than your other one so will start laying first. Her comb doesn't look overly large for a pullet nearing laying. The egg song is loud clucks with a longer "bourkgarg" kinda sound at the end. You'll think something is wrong to start with as it sounds like an alarm call. Some hens do it but others just quietly go about their business.
So do hens usually lay during the day or over night?

Mine always lay in the day. They say it takes 25 hours to make an egg. So the egg will come a little later each day, until it's so late that they wait till next morning. And that's not saying there will be an egg every 25 hours. They don't all lay every day. But anyway, the times will vary.
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Ok so is straw a good bedding material for their nest box? We started building boxes this past week but haven't put them in coop yet. Guess we need to get them in today. We have four that are old enough to start laying-do we need a nest box for each one or do they share?
Ok so is straw a good bedding material for their nest box? We started building boxes this past week but haven't put them in coop yet. Guess we need to get them in today. We have four that are old enough to start laying-do we need a nest box for each one or do they share?

Straw is great. Or hay, or dry grass clippings. Whatever you have on hand. If you already have the golf balls put them in too. Four can share one box, having 2 boxes might be good, but if they are like mine, they will all want the same box and take turns using it.
Black Australorp pullet

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