Guinea success!


7 Years
Oct 24, 2016
Southern Indiana
We got guineas for the first time in May and I think I can officially say we have succeeded! I have 14 out of 15, lost one to I think our German Shepherd. I let them out everyday to free range and around 7pm they are back in their coop. It took awhile for them to even go out of the coop and when they finally did it would only be one sometimes two and there were several nights I couldn’t get the one or two back in the coop. Then we had a couple nights where the whole flock stayed out. I’ve been feeding them one scoop of food right at 7pm and usually by 5pm they are close to the coop waiting for me! Only issue I’m having now is trying to train them to stay off the porch and driveway! I think it might be because they remember being in the garage as keets, the nights the 1 or two stayed out they stayed right by our garage and even ended up getting I to the garage in the morning a couple of times. Or they see me being food from the garage.My husband is not happy about all the poop on the porch and driveway. I’m trying the umbrella method or my 8 year old screams very loud and chases them waving his arms lol! Hopefully after a couple weeks they will get the idea. Mine don’t seem scared of much though and even when DH is mowing or the kids on the 4 wheeler they aren’t too bothered by them. My Great Pyrneese puppy is starting to chase them around some but she doesn’t try to really catch them and then 2 mins later she will just lay there and they come right up to her. I can’t tell if they are just not scared of her or just dumb!
We have never hatched anything of our own so I hope come next spring we have eggs to try to incubate!!!

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