Guineas and Eggs

fowl farm

7 Years
May 9, 2012
Guineas are seasonal layers, right? Is it too late in the year to get eggs from them? When should I expect eggs next year? What are signs of laying in them? I live in VA, if that helps.
Yeah, it's a little late in the year for Guinea eggs.
You can expect eggs in the Spring.
You'll see them pair off and the males begin to mate with the guinea hens.
IF you're lucky, you'll even see where the hen lays her eggs.
If you're like me, you'll stumble upon a nest of about 30 eggs one day while doing some garden clean-up.
The mom won't sit on the nest till she's got a whole lot and then you'll just notice that she's MIA.
Every now and then you'll see her for brief moments eating here and there.
Then almost a month later she'll come out of nowhere with an entire crew of baby guineas in a row all desperately trying to keep up with mom (who is walking full speed).
Guinea moms are aweful moms, so catch the babies (if you want them) and raise them under a broody or in a brooder box.
Good luck!

In the spring you will also see the males start sparing A LOT. There will be huge foot races back and forth before they pair off with a female.
Here in Southern California I saw eggs in February tossed about in the coop. February we are getting temps around 70 in the day and 50 ish at night.

So what your seasonal temps are like they start laying when it warms up. Not much help hunh.

These birds are strange. Lol my guunea's havent started laying yet. I live in MA so i guess i wont be seeing eggs til Spring. How do you identify the malles?
It's easier to tell which are females at first. Females can make the male call AND the two syllable female call. You can do an online search to hear the difference. Once you hear it, you'll know for sure. The female makes the two-syllable call that (to me) sounds like "pot-RACK" - to others it sounds like "buck-WHEAT" Males cannot make the two-syllable call, so you have to watch them if they're free-ranging.

PeepsCA told me a sure-fire way to tell them apart by their calls - separate them out, one at a time, and within a few minutes, the female will start calling. I did this with my four, and it worked like a charm, although for some separating them can be difficult. I herded each guinea from inside the pen, into their coop and closed them up.

BUT - some females are very quiet and it can take some time, LOL. With another guinea I had, I had to wait for an egg. She would only make the female call when there was perceived danger. But generally, they'll "give it up" if you can separate them.

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