Guineas killed… by what?


Apr 13, 2023
Both of my Guinea fowls (Gibby and Guppy) have been attacked by an animal while I wasn’t at home. I definitely regret leaving them out of my supervision and I’ll be more careful in the future.

The mystery of what killed my guineas stump me. I’m in central Pennsylvania and we have an assortment of predators.

One of the guineas left a big trail of feathers and looks like it got bitten in the face. The other Guinea was super far away and actually had half of its body eaten. She was next to my neighbors garage. My neighbors have dogs, but there’s no way either of them got my guineas. This is because one is fat and lazy, and the other is a husky puppy, which I think couldn’t even get its teeth on a guinea. She was also crated before my guineas were killed.

Does anyone have any guesses? The animals we’ve seen recently are skunks, dogs, hawks, cats, etc.
I just saw your post, I know this was a month ago and sorry no one answered! Sorry you lost your guineas, that's sad. :hugs During the day - best guess stray dog? raccoon will sometimes come out during the day if they have an opportunity but the fact that one was so far away indicating they were chased and both were attacked leads me to believe canine predator that would readily chase something around during daylight. Coyote also possible, they're around in PA too.
Would the beloved feather babies not also flee if chased by hunting predator bird? Chicken hawks, etc. I once lost a polish crested hen to some bird of prey as evidenced by a completely detached wing, severed neck, and long scratches on the hens abdomen. I assumed the predator bird was spooked or could not lift the whole hen body before taking off... .
Both of my Guinea fowls (Gibby and Guppy) have been attacked by an animal while I wasn’t at home. I definitely regret leaving them out of my supervision and I’ll be more careful in the future.

The mystery of what killed my guineas stump me. I’m in central Pennsylvania and we have an assortment of predators.

One of the guineas left a big trail of feathers and looks like it got bitten in the face. The other Guinea was super far away and actually had half of its body eaten. She was next to my neighbors garage. My neighbors have dogs, but there’s no way either of them got my guineas. This is because one is fat and lazy, and the other is a husky puppy, which I think couldn’t even get its teeth on a guinea. She was also crated before my guineas were killed.

Does anyone have any guesses? The animals we’ve seen recently are skunks, dogs, hawks, cats, etc.
This was also during the day/afternoon
Seeing that it was during the day is telling me that it wasn't raccoon. Possibly a coyote but they are more active during the early morning, evening, and night hours.
Just because you haven't seen the animal around doesn't mean they aren't lurking nearby and keeping a close eye on your chickens. I'm thinking this sounds like a fox attack.

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