Guineas roosting on the porch, how do I stop it??


Apr 7, 2020
Waycross, Georgia
So I have 6 guineas who I've recently released into the yard. Theyre 10 weeks old and since they were released 2 at a time, the obviously started roosting close to where the brooder is, which is about 5 feet from the stairs to my porch. Now 4 of the guineas are out and they have taken to sleeping every night on my porch. It started with a couple testing out the stairs, but would run down if they heard a noise. Now all 4 roost in a chair on the porch at night, and are LOUD trying to get the others to join them. Ive tried closing the door to the porch, but they pecked a hole in the screen and got on anyways. I feed them about 10 feet aways from the porch and put their water there also, but they STILL sleep on the porch. The amount of poo I have to wash off the stairs every morning is crazy. Ive taken to just keeping the hose on the porch because its become a labyrinth trying to walk down the stairs without stepping in it.
The will be moved into a coop/run once its finished, but that won't be for another week or so. Do I have to just endure it? Or is there a way to get them to roost elsewhere? Id let the other 2 guineas out but they would still stay close as they find the geese and ducks to be part of the flock too and I can't just release them into the yard. They can't fly yet
They're even on the porch now! Gr!


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Oh my, this post is such a delight to read, despite your frustrations - They're just so cute!

I hope you find a solution, maybe you can give them treats and leave their waterer etc around a suitable tree. I'm envious you don't have a predator problem. I get raccoons out here... and I don't know whether we have hawks... otherwise I'd love to let mine roost out in nature eventually...
Oh my, this post is such a delight to read, despite your frustrations - They're just so cute!

I hope you find a solution, maybe you can give them treats and leave their waterer etc around a suitable tree. I'm envious you don't have a predator problem. I get raccoons out here... and I don't know whether we have hawks... otherwise I'd love to let mine roost out in nature eventually...
Well we do have predators such as dogs and coyotes and raccoons, but we've never had a problem. I have a VERY protective goose that has tried to fight any other animal that comes close and that usually scares them off. I also have a few Ayam Cemani roosters that from a distance Hawks confuse as Crows, and most other birds steer clear of crows

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