
They can be brutal when they "decide" they don't like somebody. That's how I ended up eating the first one. He was the "loser" of a massive fight. I got him out right after they drew blood on him. And they were still going after him after I penned him up in a cage.

Also, why I'm going to go down to 6, I have 3 females, 5 males. So 2 more males have to go.

They're hard to get in my area too. They are funny little birds.

How many do you have? They work as a gang when there's lots of them.
I have free range birds of all kinds.
they get along fine.. there is the occasional school yard tussle, but nothing drastic.. the ducks hang by themselves, as do the geese,almost, tom turkey hangs with the geese.. the chickens just scatter and the guineas break into 4 different groups. one group has 5 guineas, two buff orpington pullets and a full grown young chicken rooster..
they were all hatched and brooded together..

then I have 12 guineas who go into the chicken coop with the chickens everynight..

I have 26 guineas altogether..

I find it amusing how one episode sets some peoples minds forever against something..

are your chickens and guineas penned in a small area where they cannot get away from each other??
then it is not the birds' fault.. and do not be too sure that the rooster did not start the fight originally..

can you tell?? I realy like guineas..

I have 8 this time and I have never seen any aggression from them, but I don't run them with my chickens. The guineas free range and I keep my chickens in runs so that may be the difference. A few years back I had many more, but I didn't have chickens then. They are funny little birds.....and they lay the most delicious , delicate egg I have ever eaten! I guess your set up depends how well they do or if they will cause a commotion. Mine will come to the house from the barn and let me know when its feeding time! Many people can't take the noise they make!!
Good Luck with yours!
Jim, I get that you really like guineas, and it's nice that yours get along with the other poultry.

Mine got along well too -- until one day they didn't.

The OP has not had just one incident, but a series of attacks.

My guineas started by attacking my buff Orps, and escalated/generalized from there. When I finally removed them, they had been preventing the chickens from accessing the feeders. My chickens are terrified of them. They were overjoyed when the guineas went into guinea prison

All raised together, free range on 26 acres of tasty forage, nice big coop with plenty of roost space, ad lib feed, good nutrition.

So people are not just making this up.

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