Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

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Yes. I do know what she meant. That was why I posted what I did. I can't let things like that just slide because then people think it's acceptable. It's not. Sorry if that upsets everyone so much.

YOU my dear are simply arguementative. Always have been. Every post argues. Why?

Did you take the time to read all my posts in here agreeing with people?

And I can't help it if other people dont' share my views. Not my fault. I still have the right to express them.
PM me - we share opinions
YOU my dear are simply arguementative. Always have been. Every post argues. Why?

Did you take the time to read all my posts in here agreeing with people?

And I can't help it if other people dont' share my views. Not my fault. I still have the right to express them.

I have decided that I am unable to say anything nice, so I will say nothing at all.
I'm sorry it happened to you. It is not pleasant. But I'm glad you have seen the light, as it were.

Power to the People.

Believe it or not, I panicked and ran.

I am lucky I did not get shot.

Flight is one way to ensure survival, when it is your feathers or the fire. Im glad you are okay, today.
cant we all just get along. lol. sorry you were robbed. i had a guy pull a knife on me once. i shot him in the leg. i know reading this everyone will be like
but when youre backed in a corner you have the right to defend yourself and im proud to say im one of those who will. i told him while he layed there bleeding and cussing me that he got himself in that situation. i kept him at gunpoint until the cops showed up. i was cited for firing a gun in a residential area because i didnt have the concealed handgun license. how f'd up is that. anyways id do it again and i stand by the right to do so because i wont let anyone get anything of mine without a fight and i know in my heart had i not had a gun hed have used his knife too. luckily i carry my desert eagle in my truck wherever i go and my glock 9mil on me except when i go to the bank or other prohibited plces. oh he got 2 years for aggrivated assult. that was 5 years ago but i know one texan he wont ever mess with again.
somehow I missed this before but I applaud your post.

100% agreement here. I own firearms and will use them if need be and only if need be, however, I want my right to own one protected at all times.
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