Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

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I can agree with this, there were many things about the last administration that made me cringe and angry. But NOT the things that have been unjustly tried to pin on them. Absolutely no doubt about your second sentence, and that is why I used Nixon for a reference.

Go ahead and use the name. It's President Obama. If I would have been on this forum during Bushes Oligarchy I would've used his name often.

No I don't think Monica would've been interested in a toad.

But this thread is not about Bush or Obama or petty politicking. Nixon is fairly old news and I don't think anybody would defend him. But it really is not about him. It is about firearm ownership and the rights the constitution guaranteed. Bush stepped on the 2nd rights when he failed to act to stop the illegal confiscation of arms in NO post Katrina. He also stepped on those rights when he halted the background check system causing a bottleneck in checks after 9-11. Bush from what I understand personally supported the AWB, but politically kept quiet. Bush was also responsible for irresponsible growth of the government here at home.

But you see that is what is wonderful about conservative constituents, we hold our government responsible even if we voted for them. We do not defend rouge republican or conservative politicians when they are wrong or immoral. An attribute the left never seemed to acquire and actually seems to bother the left that the right will disown their own for bad behavior.

Now if possible maybe we can get back on topic.
Just curious - do you feel that all people who don't share your opinion are sheeple?

I don't. As I see it, and feel free to correct me where I am wrong, many people just want to help build a kinder and gentler world. I would love to see that too.

However, I'm not willing to overlook thousands of years of human history that clearly depicts what humans craving power will do given half a chance. I am also not willing to overlook scientific evidence that clearly show that humanity in all of it higher enlightenment is using at its core level the same part of its brain that evolved from reptiles when situations become extreme. Most of our higher brain functions (really just a luxury) go out the door when the chips are really down. Just ask the people of New Orleans.

Human nature is what it is. I have to accept that if I want any chance of true enlightenment.​
I thought so
Having never seen combat while I was in. I didn't realize they would let you carry a personal weapon. Of course I've read that they get a little more lax on their regs when there's a war going on. Probably don't have to iron your uniform every day or spit shine your boots. Isn't the A2 the version where they deleted full auto? Changed to 3 round burst.

yes it fired in 3 round bursts. the old pray and spray causes too much chaos in a situation where you need to keep your head. lots of overkill with it. honestly if i had a choice id have taken the gun the enemy had - the ak-47. it is truly the prefect rifle. its hard to beat it because its reliable easy to operate and durable as all get out. oh and my c/o never had a problem with us carrying a personal sidearm in action. my brother is in naval intelligence. he carries a ruger sr9. he actually wears it to his job - at an office in honalulu lol. but hey hes got clearace a mile long (literally when he whips that wallet out about 18 different cards fold out).
I don't. As I see it, and feel free to correct me where I am wrong, many people just want to help build a kinder and gentler world. I would love to see that too.

However, I'm not willing to overlook thousands of years of human history that clearly depicts what humans craving power will do given half a chance. I am also not willing to overlook scientific evidence that clearly show that humanity in all of it higher enlightenment is using at its core level the same part of its brain that evolved from reptiles when situations become extreme. Most of our higher brain functions (really just a luxury) go out the door when the chips are really down. Just ask the people of New Orleans.

Human nature is what it is. I have to accept that if I want any chance of true enlightenment.

and survival
Yes, and survival.

To clarify, I don't think people who believe we should all just let go of our suspicions and defenses are "sheeple"
I think that for the most part, with nothing but the best intentions, they believe the human race has reached a level of evolution that would support everyone just "letting go" all at once. I don't think we are there yet and think it naive to believe that it would work.

I do believe we are on that course but that allowing the large sweeping cycle of oppression and liberation to continue does nothing to support that evolution. It suppresses it.
Dropping our arms won't lead us there, we will naturally drop them when we get there.

I could go on for pages but I won't.
Go ahead and use the name. It's President Obama. If I would have been on this forum during Bushes Oligarchy I would've used his name often.

No I don't think Monica would've been interested in a toad.

But this thread is not about Bush or Obama or petty politicking. Nixon is fairly old news and I don't think anybody would defend him. But it really is not about him. It is about firearm ownership and the rights the constitution guaranteed. Bush stepped on the 2nd rights when he failed to act to stop the illegal confiscation of arms in NO post Katrina. He also stepped on those rights when he halted the background check system causing a bottleneck in checks after 9-11. Bush from what I understand personally supported the AWB, but politically kept quiet. Bush was also responsible for irresponsible growth of the government here at home.

But you see that is what is wonderful about conservative constituents, we hold our government responsible even if we voted for them. We do not defend rouge republican or conservative politicians when they are wrong or immoral. An attribute the left never seemed to acquire and actually seems to bother the left that the right will disown their own for bad behavior.

Now if possible maybe we can get back on topic.

You were the one that took it off just as you have done a couple of times. Gun ownership and politics are very tightly intertwined with each other. The left will admit when one of their own is wrong. It happens on occasion. Clinton lying about Monica under oath. That was wrong. Signing the NAFTA treaty. Also wrong. The right didn't turn against Bush until late in his 2nd term. By then he had a whole laundry list of not so American deeds under his belt. I can understand why you want to forget Bush. He ran the country and the Republican party in to the ditch. The country is beginning to come out, but the party is really and truly stuck in the mud with no leadership at the time.

Bit this thread isn't about petty politicking. So lets get back to trying to decide who is the better constitutional scholar and has a bigger gun.
Hence the historical use of torches and pitchforks...
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