Gunieas and Guarding


8 Years
Mar 24, 2011
East KY
I've been reading up on gunieas as I am looking to have a few in our flock and seeing as they do good with chickens, I'm not worried, but I also heard they would be good guard or watch animals. Is that true?
They will sound off at anything that don't belong.

Last week just before dark the guins were sounding a panic alarm around an old peice of farm equipment,i almost did not go see what it was as they had sounded off that morning and it was a snake.
One of my dogs was headed over there so i went to chek it out,all of a sudden she started crawling up onto the equipment in the berry bushes and i could not see what she was after all of a sudden i heard something fall from the front of the berry covered equipment,then i hear a bunch of growls and sceaming and thought it was one of the wild cats around here.
It turned out to be a coon,now dead.
Next morning i drug it out from uder the brush and the guineaas souronding it setting off the alaam as well as the chickens.



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