Gypsy Vanner Horse Owners I need your knowledge

Sulfuring is basically to keep mites away, the oil is to prevent breakage/dryness. It will not help to keep the mane/tail clean... the opposite in fact. The oil attracts dirt. If your friend were to show her horse she would have to wash the oil & sulphur off first.

When we got our first gypsy we did't do anything with her mane. It was gorgeous - it was a double mane and very very thick. Well, after a couple months half of it completely broke off and the rest of it thinned a lot. We still don't know what caused it but the one side has started growing back and thickening up again with the use of MTG. It's definitely a labor of love to groom them but I love it.
Well, I think one of the up sides to using sulfur is that it is believed to help prevent or stop scratches .. but that is the sole reason?? Interesting.

Also interesting .. I brought a mare from Ohio to Texas .. who proceeded to get scratches and we fought and fought and fought with it - for two years. Finally someone told me to take her off the grain I was feeding her (that I switched her to when I got her) and put her back on a quality pellet .. which I did.

Scratches left .. she hasn't had them since.


Just sayin' ...
that's where I was going, Ewesheep .. We used cornstarch on our Aussie leggs .. to make the white (and to make them look like they had more bone
) But I'm thinking the sulfur is used for medicinal purposes .. as opposed to grooming ..
I think sulphur has a lot of purposes with any type of horse. MTG is basically just sulphur and mineral oil; this is what it says for use:

An effective, time-proven remedy for dermatitis problems. Highly recommended by veterinarians for a variety of skin conditions, Original M-T-G is a single-source solution for fungus, rain rot, scratches, mud fever, greasy heel, girth itch, dandruff, itchy skin and tail rubbing. An oil-based product that balances a drying and healing action with moisturizers, keeps the skin conditioned, creating a barrier against the elements. Offers quick relief and visible hair growth in 3-5 days and is ideal for use on skin where winter blankets have rubbed hair off. Does not require washing or water for application, making it ideal for cold weather use.​
are there any other horses as heavily feathered and maned as those labeled ;-) vanners?

pictures welcomed!

ohh ohhh finding some painted shires

my apologies to the original poster, lol. Having a blast turning their request for info and opinions post into a glurgey photo gallery!!! I dont think they'll mind...
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Friesians can be pretty hairy critters .. I don't think it's as thick ..but the horse is a little lighter boned, so appropriate ..



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