H1N1 vaccination side effects

If you take a close look at the information "they" put out It wall always say "COMMON side effects are..."
Then they explain away that third eye you just grew as "an UNCOMMON side effect..."
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Four of my friends who are nurses and/or work in the hospital all got it and they are haveing that EXACT SAME reaction as IowaRooMom's SIL! OH MY!

All joking aside badnfuinz, I too hope you feel better soon, but I spent 20 in the military getting vaccinated every year for regular flu and I'll get the H1N1 as soon as I can due to my situation caring for my elderly father.

Having supervised lots of people, and seeing the low incidence of anything other than a sore arm in healthy people from all those shots, I have to say I do trust the flu shots, including the H1N1.
wow, just one more thing to confirm my reasons NOT to get the shot or spray.
I know everyone has the right to do what they want and i am not arguing to not get it. if it makes you feel better....go for it!
just for me and my family i feel i rather not be a lab rat. Now down the road once it has been proven effective, i might change my mind.
OP, hope you feel better. make sure it's from the shot and not something else!
We'll all be getting the shot as soon as it's available. I have 2 teen agers, which is the bracket of people getting hit harder than any, and I care for my 6 week old nephew 3 times a week. We'll also be getting the regular seasonal flu shot.
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Well, all of my kids got the vaccination. No side effects

When it's available for the rest of us, I will surely go. Hope the OP feels better soon.

BTW, I've seen the change, the hope, and the unity.......and I like it:p
I will not be getting it nor would I allow anyone in my family get it. In fact, if I had the choice between the flu or vaccine I'd take the flu.

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