had to pull egg out of duck


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 19, 2010
its like theres no shell now im wondering if thats why my other duck died is this lack of grit or what? she has layed beautiful eggs but the last 3 have basically had no shell and are very slimy the yolk looks fine
Well I am no expert on ducks but I do know if you get an egg right after it is laid, the shell is really thin and slimy. if you wait about thirty minutes after the eggs are laid the shell is harder and the slimy stuff is gone.
Grit is for digestion. Ducks that free range during the day usually don't necessarily need it, but it doesn't hurt to offer it periodically. We offer it once per week even though our ducks are out during daylight hours.

The most common cause of thin-shelled eggs is dietary deficiency. What are you feeding the hens? They should be on a good quality layer feed so they get enough calcium and protein. You can also put out a dish of free-choice oyster shell for extra calcium, but many laying hens don't need that if they're on high-quality feed. It won't hurt to put some out if you put it in a place your drakes (if you have any) can't get to it. Too much calcium can cause kidney damage in drakes.

I've read that pests and environmental factors, like the hen being out of sorts about something, can cause this as well, but I'm not very familiar with those potential causes. There are a lot of very knowledgeable people who frequent this board who can probably tell you what to look for as far as those go.
Something I do to increase calcium is use liquid calcium gluconate, available at feed stores. The recommended amount (from my vet) is a teaspoon per half cup of water. I add that to their food, actually, since they splash so much water, and it can get on their feathers and be a little sticky. I want more in them not on them.

I also sometimes put a tablespoon of the Ca gluconate in a few tablespoons of mashed peas - their favorite treat - if I am particularly concerned about a duck who is having soft eggs and trouble passing them. Sechs had a prolapse over a year ago - a soft egg got stuck, and she could not pass it, and strained till she prolapsed. She is fine, now, by the way - but it took stitches, and we induced broodiness (by accident, but we kept her in a dark place and there happened to be some eggs nearby, she grabbed them and sat for at least two months). The broodiness really helped, I think.

And based on my own experience with my flock, talking to vets, reading things here, with all due respect, I don't think any of us really know what's going on in its entirety.

One friend, who has raised many ducks over the last decade, tells me that she has seen no correlation between soft eggs and prolapse in her flock. But some have seen a correlation. That's one reason I think we don't have a complete picture.
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ive noticed today shes quite wobbly on her feet and when she shakes she falls forward but then corrects herself and stands up. i gave her a warm bath and she seemed to like that ive checked her bum and it looked clear it could be internal, ive got her some grit so hopefully ill get some into her and that helps i do hope shes ok as her friend will be lonely without her he cryed when i took her for her bath
Grit is good for digestion but does nothing for egg laying. She needs calcium. Calcium is not only for egg shells, it is for heart health and nervous system health. If she is low on calcium, that could make her shaky.

She could also have an internal infection. I have no way to know that - if you can have her checked by a vet, that would be good.

Feed stores and online stores sell antibiotics for animals.
just a qucick update shes had some grit and is like a changed duck running around and back to old self, i will look into getting her some calcium to tho

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