HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks

Woke up. No pips. :( Come on little eggie!!!

@Sally Sunshine - If you see this while I'm gone, how long can the baby safely have internally pipped before you want to get them a breathing hole? I don't know exactly when the little guy got into his air sac yesterday, which is why I thought noon would be around 24ish+ hours. I'd rather not mess with him, but I also don't want it to die. Of course, this is my first time with shipped eggs, too, so I don't know if that changes how they hatch, compared to a normal chick with a normal air sac..
Cuties!! They are all girls!


Since they are all girls (
) I'll need one of the extra Bantam EE boys you have
Had to leave early this morning so I didn't have time to take pictures but it looked like 10 hatches In the wee hours of the night! Some healthy Australorp x amberlink crosses and some yellow ones that may be silkie crosses
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