HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks

I forgot to post pictures from my "just before midnight on Halloween" hatchling. This little bantam chick popped out of the shell just before midnight and became the last of my chicks to hatch in October. The rest of the eggs will be November hatches.
May I ask what breed your chick is? It appears to have the darker skin and legs.
I honestly don't know. DH insisted we get this bantam pair about a month or so ago. So, i put a few of their first eggs into the incubator to see if their color breeds true. We've been lied to before when it comes to bantams. But, this pair seem to be good. The hen lays very small white eggs.
Edited to add picture.
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I honestly don't know. DH insisted we get this bantam pair about a month or so ago. So, i put a few of their first eggs into the incubator to see if their color breeds true. We've been lied to before when it comes to bantams. But, this pair seem to be good. The hen lays very small white eggs.
can you post a pic of the parent stock?
i dont know genders yet, not until they make other noises than 'squeak' LOL

i did not say 'too' i just said messy, i tried something a little different on their brooder this am, and a friend of mine gave me a guinea pig cage that has 2 sections but connected by a ramp, so i was thinking about trying that out for them 

i think its like this


Nice, I nearly bought that for my critters.

Let me know how it works....
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I honestly don't know. DH insisted we get this bantam pair about a month or so ago. So, i put a few of their first eggs into the incubator to see if their color breeds true. We've been lied to before when it comes to bantams. But, this pair seem to be good. The hen lays very small white eggs.

can you post a pic of the parent stock?


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