HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks

I have a lovely handcrafted pen from Peter!!!
I am REALLY tempted to set some eggs. But it is too late in the year. I tried a September hatch one year and they weren't big enough before winter. I ended up having 3 chicks live in my laundry room until spring.

I keep telling myself it might be a late winter. They could be big enough, right?
I am REALLY tempted to set some eggs. But it is too late in the year. I tried a September hatch one year and they weren't big enough before winter. I ended up having 3 chicks live in my laundry room until spring.

I keep telling myself it might be a late winter. They could be big enough, right?

Same issue here, I'm already cutting it real close with my last batch.

Nobody is buying chicks this time of year either- I have chicks just sitting on CL, doing nothing.... :barnie
I will be setting duck eggs on Tuesday. Does that count? I think I will be asking a TON of questions. Never did ducks before. Big white ducks....pekins, maybe?

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