halloween pullets


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 20, 2012
fairly new to this, introducing pullets to existing flock for first time. planning on putting the 6-8 week old pullets in the coop next to hens(seperated by wire) for a week then introducing all of them to new coop we built which connects to old coop and grow out pen. built pullet escape door which should only allow pullets back into grow out pen if they need to escape big gals. do you guys think will work without anyone getting too hurt? thanks
can wait i just thought with winter coming the sooner they were all together the warmer they would all stay. adding 3-6wk old favorelles and 4-8wk old barnevelders to my rhode island red 1-2 y.o 8 hens
One week is cutting it extremely short. You can sure try while keeping a very close eye out. If you can wait it out until they have grown more it will only increase the chances of having a happy flock when they are all finally introduced.
I would wait until they are bigger before putting them in with grown hens. Even then you should still watch to make sure the younger girls aren't being harassed and chased away from food and water. Faverolles especially are noted for being quite timid and easily bullied by other breeds.
I had heard that about favorelles,but the smallest favorelle seems to be the most aggressive of the bunch. the barnevelders are very laid back and just step out of the way for the smaller chicks to eat and drink. i think after these replies will just place the 7 pullets in the grow out pen next to the full grown hens until they are a little bigger, thanks

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