Hamburg thread!

What a SHAME!!!!!! They are my personal favorites.... mine are excelent at evading predation and will still fly to sit on my shoulder when I feed them....

WELL if anyone knows of some larger citron bantam lines PLEASE let me know... I may just have to start my OWN PROJECT!!!!!!!!
Hi all! i need some help sexing my silver spangled hamburg chicken. roughly 4-5 weeks old, comb already showing one spike at the back, feathers more black than white, spurs on inside of each ankle. i can get a picture if that's not enough to tell. any help would be appreciated!

This little girl/guy hatched out this morrning, after i thought my incubator fried them all!!
But i dont think ill get anymore..theres no signs of life in the others :(
I'm a newbie to Hamburgs. Lost a couple & concerned I might have lost my cockerels as they all appear the same. Can anyone tell me how/what age it is possible to tell the difference between sexes of gold penciled . Mine are ~5 weeks old.
Thanks !
I can't post pics at this time as between computers & haven't gotten the quirks out of my new set up yet. But I am wondering if anyone can tell me what age I can distinguish between sexes of gold penciled as so I still can order some cockerels this season before they are impossible to get. I won't have an problem telling them apart,just need to know if I should gamble & wait,or just order more cockerels if it will be a long wait.....They are a beautiful bird & am trying a few from hatchery to see what I think. Then will look for better quality stock if I like the breed under my climate conditions.............
Thanks !
Hi guys!

I got 7 Silver Spangled Hamburg chicks at the chicken auction last weekend.
They look to be about 10 days old.
I'm new to the breed, but thought they were pretty.
I know some people weed out the ones they think are roos and sell them off at auction as straight run.
Anyone have any tips for determining sex in chicks?
I know wait a couple months and compare comb and wattles, but didn't know if there were any coloration clues like there are with several other breeds.


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