Hampton, Virginia considering new ordinance

from the hampton roads hens FB page

HAMPTON folks: An update on July City Council meetings (where chicken-keeping will likely be a topic), and correction to my previous post:

-The work session, public comment, and City Council meeting will be on Wednesday, July 10 (not July 9th, as we previously thought).
-Public comment period is from 6 - 7 p.m. People need to arrive early to sign up to speak; there is a 3-minute time limit.
-City Council meeting is from 7-10 p.m.
-All meetings this session are in council chambers, 8th floor of City Hall (22 Lincoln Street)

I was told that the agendas will be posted at least one week ahead of time; here's the website for more info:

IF the chicken-keeping issue is still on the work session agenda for the 10th, I think I'll go to the public comment period and say something about the various local groups available to help people learn how to keep chickens in the city. But I'm not from Hampton, and will feel silly if no one from Hampton shows up to talk about chickens! Please, if you're from Hampton, or know someone from Hampton who is interested, let me know (you can contact me by e-mail or the PeCK website (www.peninsulachickenkeepers.weebly.com)

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