Hand warmers for winter water/warmth?

Someone mentioned in another thread using hand warmers to keep chicks warm. I got to wondering if a hand warmer (some of them are supposed to last 8 hrs) would be a good method of keeping chickens (I'll only have 2) and their water from freezing during those few Oklahoma winter days/ nights that freeze water almost solid. I was going to use a heat lamp but I've heard a lot of you say they are a bad fire hazard. Anyone used a hand warmer under their small chicken waterer or wrapped up in a sock to lay amongst some hay for the hens to cuddle around? Do you think it would be too hot, or totally inefficient? New at this so any advice helps.
I’m wondering if handwarmers would be toxic if they peck at them and put a hole in it.
If you want to use something like a handwarmer, you can put rice or corn or other whole grain into an old sock and microwave it for a minute or so. It will stay warm a while, almost as long as purchased handwarmers, but not all night.

They can eat the grain afterward, so not toxic.
The coop is insulated. We don't like keeping the heat lamp on, because its bright. It messes up their "clock". They never seemed too cold, the coop is usually not that cold. I put extra bedding and straw in there in-case they want to bury themselves, but they spent the coldest days of winter roosting in their coop.

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