Handling baby chicks


10 Years
Sep 6, 2009
Le Roy, NY
I have only had 1 brood of chicks before...in march. They are all grown up now and one of them hatched her 1st brood today. I want this brood to be more handleable since the broody that hatched today is hard to catch and screams like a rooster when you pick her up. I didn't handle them and their mama taught them to run from me (she's not the easiest to handle either). I have pullets given to me that I can pick up any time and they are fine with it.

so..my question....When do I start handling them? I was afraid with the last brood that I was stressing them out and effect their well being by picking them up and by the time they got big enough that I wasn't concerned about that they were already super skiddish.
I am guessing that mama will take them out of the nest to eat and drink tomorrow and wondered if I start tomorrow or like next week?
I already started handling my chicks they will be a week old tomorrow.
They are very curious and will come up to check me out. I just gently pet them to what the chicks will allow. If they come up for attention they get petted. Then they run off in one be group dash. During this whole time I am baby talking at them, making clucking sounds, and embarrassingly purred like a cat at them cus I have cats and that is how I do with the cats. The chicks don't care for the cat sounds though.

I have 1 chick that does want to be cuddled. I am hoping to slowly get the rest comfortable with being handled more.
The youngest peeps I've had were 1 week old. We handled them right away. Always curious as to what your doing and follow you about as I do yard work until it's time to break out the mower

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