Handmade Soap - Bargain Bag

TM Chickens

11 Years
Mar 3, 2008
Auction is for one pound of high-quality, handmade soap. It smells great and creates wonderfully creamy lather. Each pound has 5 or 6 bars. Usually, this much soap would cost over $16 dollars. So why is it so cheap? When I make soap, there are a few ounces which won't fit in the mold. I pour the extra from each batch into another mold until it is full, creating multi-scented layers. When cut, these bars can have one, two, or even three layers of different fragrances. I stack these bars, along with others that were cut the wrong size or which have air bubbles, onto the scale. When it reads one pound, I take them off and bag them. Fragrances may include any of the following: Vanilla Hazelnut, Lavender, Lavender Cream, Coconut Pineapple, Spicy Lime, Cranberry, Almond, or Violet Forest.

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