Hands down, what is a chickens FAVORITE food/treat/scraps?

Avocado is one of the things chickens should definetely NOT eat. They also shouldn't eat garlic and onion, and they generally don't go for lemons and citrus fruits which won't kill them anyway, but are acidic. Strange that your chickens go for bannana. Ours hate it, and will only sometimes peck at the small pieces on the bannana peel. Oh, and crickets! I am sure you'll find that the crickets are a real favourite with the chicks! They are also sure to love grasshoppers as well, if they can catch them!
My thoughts exactly. Although I don't really get why chickens don't like sour things - when they have virtually no tastebuds!
My chickens, indian runners and guinea fowl LOVE to catch the frogs and toads in my garden. I see them running around like a hoard of mindless idiots with one bird in the lead, frog legs dangling out of its mouth as the others all scream and try to steal that frog.....tug of war ensues and the game is on again with a new leader attempting to gulp down the prize....poor lil frogs. ;(
with Halloween coming up make sure you save your pumpkins that you put out on your porch. Once the holiday is done we kick them open and give them to the chickens. the go crazy for them. Also if your carving pumpkins make sure to save your pumpkin guts for you ladies.
Avocado is one of the things chickens should definetely NOT eat. They also shouldn't eat garlic and onion, and they generally don't go for lemons and citrus fruits which won't kill them anyway, but are acidic. Strange that your chickens go for bannana. Ours hate it, and will only sometimes peck at the small pieces on the bannana peel. Oh, and crickets! I am sure you'll find that the crickets are a real favourite with the chicks! They are also sure to love grasshoppers as well, if they can catch them!

Folks have used garlic with chickens as an organic/natural med for years. I don't because I don't think it helps, but it certainly will do them no harm.
with Halloween coming up make sure you save your pumpkins that you put out on your porch. Once the holiday is done we kick them open and give them to the chickens. the go crazy for them. Also if your carving pumpkins make sure to save your pumpkin guts for you ladies.
Last years pumpkin crop for the chickens:
Mine definitely like watermelon the best, Seed and all. Cantaloupe is a close second but they will leave cantaloupe for watermelon.
My hens like dead, dried earthworms they find on the driveway better than the living ones in the compost pile!!???

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