Hands on hatching and help

Hi 1 of my 2 duck eggs has externally pipped at pointy end ive been watching it for a while an the hole it had made seemd to be stuck bk together but its beak was pushing on the white membrane but not coming out so i have opened it bk up just so i can see abit of beak.. we are only on day 25/26 ? What do i do now
@Pyxis wrote "In this malpostion, the chick ends up positioned away from the air cell, meaning that it cannot internally pip into the air cell like it normally would. That means that when it tries to internally pip, it will have to externally pip instead. Now, the chick may end up hitting a blood vessel and bleeding out when this happens. If that's the case, there's really not much to be done. However, a lot of the time they are able to externally pip. But because they didn't get to internally pip, they still have a lot of absorbing to do. Don't start to worry that they are not progressing until it's been 30 to 48 hours from the external pip. The good news is most of the time they can hatch themselves in this position, so you will likely not have to do a thing. If help is needed, you will still want to open the egg over the air cell, even though the chick is not in there, the reason being that it's a place that you can safely open to assess how far along the veins are, etc. Then from there you will progress in the assist. But you will nearly never have to do this. Chicks in this position have nothing that is stopping them from hatching. Only shrinkwrapping could cause issues for a chick like this.

Head in Wrong End of Egg

This malposition commonly results from an egg being set small end up in the turner instead of large end up, so it is very important to make sure that you are setting the eggs correctly in the turner. In this malposition, the chick is facing the wrong way in the egg. They will end up externally pipping at the wrong end of the egg, where of course there is no air cell. Just like a Facing Away From Air Cell chick, you will need allow more time before worrying that they are in need of help, and again, they usually can hatch all on their own. You can open the egg over the air cell to assess how far along absorbing is if it is seeming like the chick needs help. Make sure you're allowing plenty of time before doing this because most of the time, they get out on their own just fine with no interference needed."
Yes i read this an saw that the ducks beak couldnt get out so i just made small hole so can breath so shall i just leave it now ?

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