Hands on hatching and help

How long should I leave him in that? 30 minutes at a time?

It's made of a 711 big gulp plastic cup. I cut the bottom off, cut up an old shirt and folded a large rectangle in half. I then placed the shirt on the cut part of the cup, trimmed it down to size so I didnt have a ton of extra cloth hanging off, and finished it off with duct tape. Then I cut 3 holes in the cloth and called it a job well done.

For the feed and water I trimmed the other half of the cup down to slightly smaller than the chair, put tape on it to hold it to the chick chair, and then rolled 2 small pieces of duct tape up, (sticky side out) to secure the lids for food and water.
Here is my chick chair and the full assembly with the baby in it. There is also a pic of the underneath and what I did with the vetwrap. Lemme know what yall think. My first time dealing with this. The chick has definitely perked up since I gave it the vitamins

No one else had pipped that I could see. I just went and did some winterizing at the horse barn and some other stuff to pass a bit of time. It didnt take long. I haven't been back to check everyone yet.

I'm gathering as long as no one has pipped I'll be ok to go and candle everyone and see if they're ok? I've got the humidifier going in the room still and its swampy in there. I dont think shrinkwrapping will be an issue, but idk for sure.
You have done an awesome job!!! I wouldn’t know where to start with a chick chair, though for these wee guys I would have worked it out id I had too. Good luck.
I would! Especially if no other pips. I did for the last egg and it had died.
That's about where I am at right now. I'm having a late lunch and bumbling around in my garage. Checking on my sling baby. He seems to kinda like his chair.

Trying to read about this chair and how long to use it, should feet be lightly touching or not, stuff like that. I hope we get this little guy fixed

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