Hands on hatching and help

He's gotta finish absorbing it. Just make sure to keep him from rupturing it, and give it time. It will absorb more, and/or dry up and fall off.
Phew, thanks! I just woke up and found that two other chicks had climbed into the basket with it, but I don’t see any pecking and all three look good. There’s one actively hatching so I’m afraid to open the lid, but when it’s out, I’ll take out the herniated chick to take a better look.
Other chick is out so I reached in to check on the one with the protruding thing. The thing is still there, just looks darker and the surface of it is drier... Is that good? The chick is alert and active otherwise. I took its basket buddies out and put them in the brooder, so it has the basket to itself again. There are 2 other chicks in the incubator drying off, so it won’t cry that it’s alone.
I have a little giant incubator and we just finished cleaning and sanitizing it and wanted to set it up for the next batch but when we plugged it in the humidity keeps being in the 70 and 80% range and I don't know how to get it down for the new eggs
I had the same issue- I removed the red plugs, and made sure it was bone dry before putting the lid on.
Other chick is out so I reached in to check on the one with the protruding thing. The thing is still there, just looks darker and the surface of it is drier... Is that good? The chick is alert and active otherwise. I took its basket buddies out and put them in the brooder, so it has the basket to itself again. There are 2 other chicks in the incubator drying off, so it won’t cry that it’s alone.

Sounds like it's drying up, which is fine. Eventually it will also fall off.
Sounds like it's drying up, which is fine. Eventually it will also fall off.
This is what it looks like now:

I just found this thread, and I'm very glad. I have 8 SFH eggs that were shipped to me due to go into lockdown tomorrow and hatch on the 23rd. I've never done this before, and after tons of reading, I'm still majorly stressed over humidity and air cells! I got a good incubator, but the humidity would start out high, then over night while we were asleep it would go down to the 20% range. The eggs were shipped, so I couldn't see the air cells and I am still worried...are the air cells too big? Too small? I can see moving inside most of them, none of them smell, and in some I can actually make out little feet! Tomorrow I'm going to put them into cut-down egg carton so the small end can be down, raise the humidity up real high, and hope for the best, but I, too, would be one of the ones who would try to assist if something was pipping. I've read the "when to assist" thread, and...I guess that's all I can do for now. Wish me luck!
I’m struggling as first incubation of eggs and today is 21 days 1 has hatched and all others looked great before lockdown. But now not really seeing much and a little lost as what to do
I’m struggling as first incubation of eggs and today is 21 days 1 has hatched and all others looked great before lockdown. But now not really seeing much and a little lost as what to do

Any more progress? Sometimes one hatches before the rest. If you don't see any more pips, you can safely candle to check what's going on with the unhatched eggs.
Any more progress? Sometimes one hatches before the rest. If you don't see any more pips, you can safely candle to check what's going on with the unhatched eggs.
I had another hatch about 12hrs ago. I will probably do as u say and candle the others today and see if we can see any movement as the first one has been in there for 36hr since hatching now.

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