Hands on hatching and help

Hope it gets faster!!!! And you get feeling better!!!
Thank you!
Pictures! I snapped these really quick before slipping them under the broody. The keets weren't keen to be photographed. If anyone can tell me the color of the light brown one in the middle I'd appreciate it. The color doesn't show well here - it's a light cinnamon color. The other ones are lavender and one pearl.
The CCL/AC cross I decided to keep:
I am trying to show restraint. I kept only two lavenders and the two unknown color keets. The pearl and the other lavender I'm selling. I'm also trying to keep only the one chick from this hatch - the others I'm selling! Except for one of the ACs, I believe I will be keeping that one back for my breeding flock.
Beautiful little ones :) love the CCL/AC!!
The way I look at it even a slow recovery is still recovery. I'm so proud of me!! I had a chance to get some barnyard mutt eggs from another lady here in town and I said........... "No, thank you!" Yep, I did!! That's almost as huge as turning down a cigarette yesterday when Kendra was in surgery. Well, not quite the same. I didn't take the eggs. I did take the smoke. I know, don't say it - I don't wanna hear it and I've already said it myself.
Yes it sure is! I'll take any forward progress I can get
I was a smoker for many years and I know what a battle quitting is. :hugs
Alrighty, I got 26 sultan eggs in today. Now to find a place to stick them all :th In other news, the eight chicks I am definitely NOT keeping from this hatch may already be sold, so that'll help me keep my promise not to keep them, lol.
I get it all the time I post something it drags my whole computer system down including our phones. From all of backyard chicken pages. It locks or system.
Not sure if anyone can help. I had a chick hatch out last night, the only one of 12 that made it (!). He's a big chick. One side seems weak, so he doesn't really stand up and keeps rolling over onto his side. I've bandaided the legs as they looked a bit splayed but is there anything else I can try? I don't want to have to cull him as he seems fine otherwise.
Not sure if anyone can help. I had a chick hatch out last night, the only one of 12 that made it (!). He's a big chick. One side seems weak, so he doesn't really stand up and keeps rolling over onto his side. I've bandaided the legs as they looked a bit splayed but is there anything else I can try? I don't want to have to cull him as he seems fine otherwise.

If you haven't already, I would try vitamins / electrolytes in the water and dip it's beak. Save A Chick and Nutri Drench are good. Poly Vi Sol infant vitamins without iron can also be used. :fl hope it pulls through!
Not sure if anyone can help. I had a chick hatch out last night, the only one of 12 that made it (!). He's a big chick. One side seems weak, so he doesn't really stand up and keeps rolling over onto his side. I've bandaided the legs as they looked a bit splayed but is there anything else I can try? I don't want to have to cull him as he seems fine otherwise.
It sounds like spraddle leg to me too. The brace should take care of it. You can also give him electrolyte enhanced water, (I use sav a chick in my water.) Or nutri drench.
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He seems to go in phases. Sometimes he hobbles around pushing off both legs - one is weaker but he uses it and sort of gets around. But sometimes he just isn't using that leg at all and rolls straight over and gets stranded on his back. I've tried some electrolyte and will keep doing so.

Feeling really down today. Our last hatch only 2/12 made it, they just went out in the coop 2 days ago and today I found them both decapitated. So sad. This is the same week that a fox broke in and took 10 layers and a broody duck. And then yesterday's hatch was only 1/12 and he's splay-legged. I seem to be getting all the bad luck. I'm going to try a dry hatch this time as despite my fancy humidity pump and following the instructions perfectly I am getting horrible hatches.

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