Hanging Chick waterer/feeder (mason type)? Thanks came up with this.

Kung Foo Chicken

11 Years
Sep 11, 2008
Upstate, South Carolina
I would like to hang my chick mason jar waterer and feeder.
I am using it for 3 adult oegb which supplies them well but, they make a mess of it.
Anyone found jars with a hanger or a way to modify mason jars?

I would like to hang a small waterer and feeder for their very small coop I'm building
from chains perhaps. These are the right size but, cannot find a way to hang them yet.
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What about a macrame'd (spelling?) net out of hemp or other rope? I've never done it myself, but saw a friend's waterers and feeders set up that way, seemed to work pretty well! She said she used hemp rope because it was stronger than the other kinds she tried, and she didn't like the look of nylon ropes, but nylon might last longer or be easier for you to work with if you don't macrame already. Hers had a loop at the top where it was hooked onto another rope coming from the ceiling, so it was really easy to take on and off to fill back up.
How about this?

I used some flower pot extender chains and made a loop at the top and bottom with 4 connection points.
I used 1/2 gallon mason jars. If I have to use ACV or something I'll switch it to a plastic base as the local
feed store sells those for .98. I can raise it now to prevent messes from the adults or lower to chick height
if they ever hatch anything.

They are temporarily in a rabbit cage till I finish their little coop.

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