Hanging treat?

If you live in an urban area, a maggot bucket isn't for you. But if you've got a large piece of land and don't mind the occasional whiff of rotting carrion, google "maggot bucket" and see if you want to deal with one!

How much does Flock Block cost and how long does it last? How many chickens do you have?
I had asked the same thing on another thread. I was told some use ice picks, etc. My dh said he is going to use a drill bit for ours. That would work to thread something through. What a great idea to keep the flock in greens all winter along with the unrolled round bale of hay in their run! Lots of bugs and greens this winter.
~I've tried hanging cabbages and broccoli for mine. They weren't the slightest bit interested. :|

They also don't like tomatoes, apples etc. Do I have weird chickens??
I hung heads of cabbage and lettuce for my flock last winter and they ADORED the treat, and the diversion. After much pondering as to how to hang it, I spotted a plastic baseball cap form (the kind you use to wash baseball caps in the washing machine so they don't lose their form). I took both sides of the plastic form apart, and then rewired them together to form a perfect circular holding bin for the veggies. I suspended it from the "visor" part of the form. It worked well, and the girls looked like they were playing teather ball. Cheap entertainment for all.
At a quarter a piece, I threw in the squirrel corn and it took a week or so but I went in and it was gone! Its like when they found it, they went wild!
I also have cut a gallon milk jug so it is a hanging feeder thats where I keep the oyster shell.
I think you are a genius!

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