Hanging treat?

I hung up some sunflower heads in both coups, so the heads are level with the chickens. My older layers love it, but the young pullet aren't doing anything with it yet. (They probably want me to shell it for them, just like their corn cobs.)
I hang cabbage and collards up. They love the collards. To hang the cabbage I got a large screw in hook and screwed it into the bottom of the gabbage and then tied the hook to a string that is hung from the top of the run. I will add pictures later when I can get onto photobucket. Brad
We have a two-tier wire-basket hanging planter that is made of heavy gauge steel. We found it at a clearance sale at a local nursery for $1.50 a few years ago.

We hang it from a beam in the barn on a bungie cord. We fill the lower basket with veggies, hay or fruit (a quartered head of cabbage, chopped alfalfa hay, cored & quartered apples, etc).

The birds have to jump to get the treats in the basket. The top basket is loaded with rocks to keep the basket kind of low for the chickens while it gets emptied. Here is a picture of it. That's one lone section of cabbage in the bottom basket.


We also use Flock Block and bales of hay in the barn during the winter when the weather is so bad and pastures completely covered with snow.
Iv'e also seen on here where you can get a suet cage. You know the little wire cages you put a suet block in for wild birds..... then stuff it with brocolli or what ever and hang it
I use the suet cages. I bought one for each run, and made sure to buy the "triple" size - it's bigger (holds 3 suet cakes). I've put cabbage, greens, hunks of melon, etc. Just filled it this a.m. with a bag of salad that was just starting to go limp (so much for eating more salad)! The girls absolutely LOVE it when I put something in the suet cage!
I hung some Romaine lettuce on a string in the coop at back level. The girls were so afraid of it, they would make a big circle around it to get in and out the door, and rush past as if it would grab them. Silly chickens ! Once I took it down and put it on the ground, they were all over it. I guess your success depends on the brain cells of your chickens !

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